How to seal the board of a windshield

Do you not want the elements seeping into the inside of your car because of a bad seal. With care and patience, you can create a good seal to seal the windshield of your car.


  1. Remove the old gasket windshield its opening. Be careful to remove all traces, particularly if part of the board has eroded in the frame.
  2. Place your new windshield on a kitchen table covered with a towel or a trestle covered with carpet. The surface on which you place the windshield must be padded to protect the glass, but also must protect the surface from dirt that will be caused by the application of sealant windshield.
  3. Use a pencil to mark the bottom center of the windshield glass. Use a tape measure to measure end to end to determine the true center.
  4. Place the gasket to the windshield, aligning the joint with the pencil mark on the bottom. Accommodates seal around the perimeter of the windshield.
  5. Apply joint sealant windshield (cement butyl) below the front edge of the board. To do this, again raises the edge of the board and brush sealant between it and the glass, making sure you do not miss anything. This is a dirty but essential to produce a quality seal work.
  6. Use a soap solution to lubricate the outer edge of the board or the windshield opening.
  7. Insert the cord in the window slot seal the ends windshield within the crystals.
  8. Place the windshield in the window opening. The best way is to put the inside first and then lower the top and push down.
  9. Pulls the cord of the gasket groove to seal in the windshield frame.
  10. Use mineral spirits to clean up excess sealant windshield when you’re done.

Tips & Warnings:

  • Place the gasket on the windshield can be a stressful job that requires a lot of physical effort.