Instructions to replace a car window

Broken or cracked windows of cars can be ugly and dangerous at the same time. Covering a broken with a garbage bag may be a temporary solution, but this will not work for long window. You must replace the glass as soon as possible to prevent water or other objects in your vehicle. Windows also prevent someone breaks into your car when you are not around. This project can be completed with some tools.


  1. Purchase a new window that is designed specifically for your vehicle. You can find a new window in a car dealer or a used one in a junkyard.
  2. Loosen the screws on all handles and armrests. You have to do this before you can get the panel outside the door. Remove the inside door panel of the car. Feel entire panel to locate all screws. Loosen and remove the screws with a screwdriver. Lift the door panel.
  3. Pull back the waterproof cover or plastic under the panel once it is out. Not all vehicles have plastic cover. Ignore this step if the car does not have one.
  4. Clean the window and door seal with a clean cloth and mild soap detergent and water. Wipe dry lint.
  5. Find the small opening at the base of the new window, located in the rear of the window. There will be a small clip located on the track of the window inserted into the opening and connected to the door window.
  6. Insert the window on the track and connect it to the clip in the opening. Getting the glass through the door is the hardest part because of the obstacles that may be on the way.
  7. Slide clips that are placed evenly around the base of the window. The window should roll freely without getting caught on the track.
  8. Reassemble the car door. Replace the plastic cover, door panels, armrests, and door panel. Tighten all screws with a screwdriver. Test the window and make sure it moves up and down smoothly.

Tips & Warnings

  • While sliding the new window on the track, there may be bolts or other hardware on the way. Move slowly and alter the angle of entry for the piece of glass on the inside.
  • Be careful when working with glass and try not to cut. Wear gloves to avoid injury. Clean up broken glass with a vacuum cleaner.