How to repair the shattered glass of a car for yourself

Small to moderate cracks glass car can be easily repaired with a kit of repair to based resin composite glass. Consultation with the specialist auto repair if the crack is enlarged, as the auto glass may need to be completely replaced.


  • Clean the window seams and waste. Clean the stains and dirt from the glass with paper towels or newspaper. Let the glass completely air dry in the sun before proceeding to repair the crack.
  • Use a repair kit based resin comes in syringe. According Everything Auto, unwraps the package and focuses the adhesive disc, holding the pedestal in place in the crack. “Drill the hole in the adhesive disk, remove the coating from one side of the disc and press it on the glass,” says Everything Auto. Make sure the pedestal on the disc is facing up so that the syringe can be inserted in the right place.
  • Insert the syringe (which comes with the kit) on the pedestal that is connected to disk. Make sure the suction opening of the syringe is down on the pedestal and the plunger upwards. Turn the syringe clockwise until it clicks into place inside the pedestal.
  • Raise the plunger up to suck air bubbles from the crack. Hold momentarily and release the syringe to the suction causes the repair compound is inserted into the crack. Repeat this process at least 10 times.
  • Let the repair compound is cured in a well-ventilated area or in the sun for about 30 minutes. Clean any excess composite glass with a damp towel.